I know this isn’t what I write or talk about, but I might tell something important that everyone wants to know. I made a post before over on my Twitter—@maybeScept3r, and it goes like this:


Turns out, it might be completely true. I am gonna quit writing, very soon. Maybe not before July, but it could be earlier or maybe sooner than that. I’m not quite sure.

The reason why is that I am completely overwhelmed and exhausted. As a grade 10 student, it’s complicated for me to balance school and life. This semester has been tough for me. There has been so much tension and anxiety that I can’t even describe what’s like in my shoes.

Besides, I have to decide what course to take in my senior high. Actually, I already did and I won’t tell you what it is but anyway...

I will keep writing about design stuff while there’s time. I don’t know exactly when I will quit, but I’m sure someday I will stop writing, make an archive of articles (with the help of someone), and leave Medium for good.

That’s all I have to say, I will return to writing more articles. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

PS. If you’re willing to help me make an archive of my articles, please reach me on my Twitter: @maybeScept3r.

PPS. While I’m away from the keyboard, I have a handful of socials on my linktr.ee page. Come follow me there! :D

PPPS. I don’t know what’s going on and why I’m almost at 500 followers. Seriously, where are you guys coming from? Holy crap.

Originally published on May 6th, 2022, Edited on November 12th, 2023