Hey everyone, I’m sorry that this isn’t my usual design post. I gonna warn you about something that is happening on Instagram. This is highly important, and Instagram still doesn’t do anything about it, so far.

I have an Instagram account under the username, scept3r.studios. Aside from writing articles, I also do cosplay. I have made a few cosplay friends along the way, and everything’s doing quite well.

That is until some accounts get hacked. There are multiple cases of this, including 6 people that I formerly follow. This hacking affects most Instagram accounts both personal and business.

Not only it could affect someone’s mental health but also break the corporate’s identity and have to lose a lot of followers (if you consider creating a new account). As you can tell, it’s pretty much a big deal.

How does this hacking work?

The targeted user would give their login info to the hacker via a private DM or email, leading to getting their login info mysteriously changed, and getting themselves locked out.

Example of post scams (Image blurred for privacy)

Example of post scams (Image blurred for privacy)

The targeted user would give their login info to the hacker via a private DM or email, leading to getting their login info mysteriously changed, and getting themselves locked out.

Example of a scammer in the DMs (credits to killercarmencos on IG, blurred for privacy)

Example of a scammer in the DMs (credits to killercarmencos on IG, blurred for privacy)

Since these accounts are hacked, they can do anything with them.

They can:

Then, the cycle of hacking repeats itself.

This scheme is what’s known as phishing. The authenticity of these posts and messages is enough to trick the affected into giving information.

Now the question remains...

How do I protect myself from phishing?

To spot someone who got hacked, pay attention to what they’re posting or what they’ve been messaging. If something’s off, they’ve been hacked. Please do not DM the hacked person or click on any suspicious links the hacker gave to you.