Out there on the web, there are lots of great websites. However, there are a few things you can do to make your website outstanding. One of which is parallax effects.

Now I know it’s sorta outdated, but when used correctly, you can drive sales, traffic, and social interaction. Besides, they look pretty good too.

So I came up with 5 helpful libraries for doing parallax effects. All of which are free and open-sourced, and they mostly required Javascript and jQuery. Now without further ado, here are some of my top picks.

Rellax JS



Created by Dixon & Moe, Rellax JS is a lightweight, vanilla javascript library for parallax effects. Since it’s lightweight, it ensures buttery-smooth effects without the frustrating lag. Quite simple, isn’t it?

Documentation | GitHub

Locomotive Scroll



Locomotive Scroll is a good library if you need to step up your parallax game. Here, you have full control$^1$ over the scroll interaction like scroll direction and lerp. It even has some nice, smooth momentum scroll as well.

Main Website | GitHub




Jarallax creates these simple yet beautiful parallax effects. Just like the other parallax libraries, you can change the direction and speed of the parallax effect.

The difference (and honestly, the best part) is that it supports videos from YouTube and Vimeo as well. Plus, they also have a WordPress plugin if you’re working on a website builder.

Documentation | GitHub




simpleParallax is the easy way to create a parallax effect using Javascript. Just like the name of this parallax library, this one has some simple features like parallax speed and direction. This is the one for when you don’t need some extra fancy features.

Documentation | GitHub